Need: I keep bringing up Kubernetes clusters / destroying them as a part of my learning of Kubernetes. When using Kubespray, I observed the required packages were getting downloaded from the internet. Though I have a decent 300 Mbps internet connectivity, I decided to check if I can have a local repository mirror in my…
Tag: How-to
Complile Linux Kernel (on Debian 11)
Install required packages. root@server1:~# apt-get install git fakeroot build-essential ncurses-dev xz-utils libssl-dev bc flex libelf-dev bison dwarves Download the source of the required/planned version of the Linux kernel (I had decided on 5.15) root@server1:~# wget Extract the xz file (to default folder) root@server1:~# tar xvf linux-5.15.11.tar.xzroot@server1:~# cd linux-5.15.11/root@server1:~/linux-5.15.11# Copy the existing configuration file root@server1:~/linux-5.15.11#…
Openstack Xena on Ubuntu 20.04 -Home Lab
[ Previous: Neutron (6/9) ] [ 7/9: Home Lab ] [ Next: Horizon (8/9) ] Create Project, Networks, vRouter and Security Group Create a project ‘homelab’ openstack project create –domain default –description “Home Lab” homelab Create a ‘labuser’ account openstack user create –domain default –project homelab –password password…
Openstack Xena on Ubuntu 20.04 – Neutron
[ Previous: Nova (5/9) ] [ 6/9 : Neutron ] [ Next: Home Lab (7/9) ] Create DB for neutron services. Execute the following in MySQL prompt create database neutron_ml2; grant all privileges on neutron_ml2.* to neutron@’localhost’ identified by ‘password’; grant all privileges on neutron_ml2.*…
Openstack Xena on Ubuntu 20.04 – Nova
[ Previous: Placement (4/9) ] [ 5/9 : Nova ] [ Next: Neutron (6/9) ] Create DB for nova services. Execute following in MySQL prompt create database nova; grant all privileges on nova.* to nova@’localhost’ identified by ‘password’; grant all privileges on…
Openstack Xena on Ubuntu 20.04 – Placement
[ Previous: Glance (3/9) ] [ 4/9 : Placement ] [ Next: Nova (5/9) ] Create DB for placement service. create database placement; grant all privileges on placement.* to placement@’localhost’ identified by ‘password’; grant all privileges on placement.* to placement@’%’ identified by…
Openstack Xena on Ubuntu 20.04 – Glance
[ Previous: Keystone (2 / 9) ] [ 3 / 9 : Glance ] [ Next: Placement (4 / 9) ] Create a project named “service” openstack project create –domain default –description “Service Project” service Create DB for image services – execute the following in MySQL…
Openstack Xena on Ubuntu 20.04 – Keystone
[ Previous: Pre-requisites (1/9) ] [ 2 / 9 : Keystone ] [ Next: Glance (3 / 9) ] Create the database for Keystone service create database keystone; grant all privileges on keystone.* to keystone@’localhost’ identified by ‘password’; grant all privileges on keystone.* to keystone@’%’ identified by ‘password’;…
Openstack Xena on Ubuntu 20.04 – Requisites
[ 1 /9 : Pre-requisites ] [ Next: Keystone (2/9) ] Install Ubuntu 20.04 as detailed here. (We will remove snapd, netplan, motd and enable legacy networking) Two interfaces…
Manual backup VM image in KVM
Start virt-manager on the KVM host and note the name of the guest VM. (In my case I want to take a backup of the OpenStack VM) The instance is running. It is recommended to shut down the instance before taking a backup. In the KVM host create a backup folder as required and copy…